BOI Reports due
March 21, 2025
The BOI reporting injunction has been lifted. Report due March 21, 2025
FinCEN - Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) report.
This only effects companies that filed with the Secretary of State to form the business. If unsure, please contact me at your earliest convenience.
*New law became effective Jan. 1, 2024
*Companies formed before Jan. 1, 2024 have until March 21, 2025, to file the report.
*Companies formed after Jan. 1, 2024 have 90 days from effective date
*Failure to file penalty $10,000 for each violation and possible 5 years imprisonment.
EV Tax Credit Rules
People who buy new electric vehicles may be eligible for a tax credit as high as $7,500, and used electric car owners may qualify for up to $4,000 in tax breaks as of 2023.
Income limits (Modified AGI): Married-Filing-Joint $300,000, Head-of-Household $225,000, and Single $150,000. If dealer credit is taken, claw-back provision (pay back dealer credit) will apply.
Maximum EV Purchase Price $55,000.
Standard Mileage Rates for 2024
Mileage Rates for 2024
Business 67.0 cents for the full year
Medical or moving purposes 21.0 cents
Charitable purposes 14 cents
These rates apply to EV's, hybrid's, gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles.
Employers will be able to use the fleet-average valuation rule or the cents-per-mile valuations rule.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to stand true to our values, morals, and ethics. As an Accountant, I understand and appreciate your trust in my firm. We will dedicate ourselves to ensure that our services are the most accurate, organized, and time efficient as possible. Thank you in advance for your trust in us.

Why specialize in small business?
We believe that small business owners are unique and require expanded services to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. Filing requirements for BOI, foreign investors, and increases in penalties has made it impossible to continue with the traditional accounting firm services. We know and understand that small business owners are extremely busy and require additional help in daily operations in the form of communications, administrative duties,